Winfield (38°59’4.79”N, 106°26’23.69”W)
The destination address, which is used when generating driving directions
as link Directions
<a href="http://maps.apple.com/?daddr=38.984664,-106.439914&saddr=">Directions</a>
38°59’4.79”N, 106°26’23.69”W
- Drive south on Harrison/Hwy 24, go 19.3 miles
- Turn right (west) on County Rd-390 (Clear Creek reservoir), go 11.6 miles
- Arrive at aid station – on left, across creek, in ghost town of Winfield
- Where to park / setup
- Mimi get ready to pace!
- Scott or Amy be ready to hike out 1/2 mile for check-in
- What to have ready
- Fill water bottles, add perpetuem, etc
- Optional bag
- Foods
- + 2 shot blocks
- +Frozen mountain dew
- Clothes
- No change should be needed here
- Gear
- Headlamp (confirm fresh batteries!)
- Hike out 1/2 to 1 mile to meet me for any needs, run back if needed or hang with me
- + headlamp on runner, not pacer!
- + connect watch to charger thing
- Take old water bottles
- Take trash
- +/- clothing layers?
- Provide fresh water bottles
- Provide foods
- 10 minutes max to chill
- motivate runners!
- Head to Inbound: Twin Lakes (right away, take time, when to rest, etc)
- Dry any dropped off clothing layers
- Time til we meet again: 4 hours
- Commute time: 1.5 hour